Accelerate Your Trading Partner Network

Swagger & Postmen: how
you can design the perfect
Microservice experience.
Utilise any of the 5,000+
standard versions &
25,000 transactions
sets (AS2, X12, HL7, etc.)
Get guidance quickly
from our experts who
average 20+ years
of EDI experience
98  %
Less Errors than Legacy EDI Processor
9  x
Faster Than Other EDI Solutions
90  %
Lower Cost per Document than Manual Processing

Business to Business Process Automation

E-commerce process automation helps you spend less time on standard processes and makes sure they run the same way every time. When you automate an e-commerce business process flow, you let software do the heavy lifting of passing data back and forth, sending notifications, and handling predictable conditions.

Why Choose eflux For EDI Integration?

  • We can support your non-EDI-“speaking” partners, too.
  • We drastically lower your Total Cost of Ownership of a B2Bi solution vis-a-vis Managed Service Providers and Value-Added Networks.
  • We use a business user-friendly approach that allows analysts to do self-service integration without code.
  • We provide robust support for data transfer options.

EDI Integration Success